Eliminate mundane tasks to increase productivity and efficiency 

While security automation has delivered significant benefits to multiple areas of the SOC – such as anomaly detection and incident response – the detection engineering function remains stubbornly manual and typically dependent on “ninjas” with specialized expertise.

With CardinalOps, you can now apply automation and analytics to force-enable your team and streamline the end-to-end process of researching, testing, and delivering new detections. Address the latest vulnerabilities. Onboard new log sources. And respond to ongoing requests from your Red Teams and threat intelligence teams.

You can also leverage automation to address more mundane tasks such as mapping your rules to ATT&CK, identifying and fixing broken detection and data sources, and tuning noisy detections.

security automation

The benefits?  Higher productivity, greater agility, and cost avoidance from a reduced need to hire additional personnel. Plus happier staff members that are less likely to leave because they can now spend their time on more interesting activities such as threat hunting and researching new and novel attack techniques.